Saturday, March 15, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 15: Full Body Fat Burn (21 Minute HIIT)

Hi Everyone!

It's Day 15 of the 30 Day Workout Challenge! One round of this workout takes just over 21 minutes. It's a full body workout, and a fun routine. In between each exercise there is a 35 second cardio burst. I added 5 seconds as transition time (and because I inevitably step on the jump rope at some point). 

Toward the end of the video when I say it's the last exercise, there are actually a couple of moves to go. Sorry! I have a dry erase board with my list of exercises to cue me, but some times it's hard to read during an interval workout. 

I hope you all enjoy today's routine. I will see you tomorrow with a new workout!

PS Don't forget to check in for the challenge on FacebookInstagram or Twitter!

Equipment: Gymboss Interval Timer and Jump Rope (optional) 
Timer: 35/50 second Intervals. 

*In between each exercise perform 35 seconds of cardio of choice. 

1. Windshield Plank
2. Curtsy Squat
3. Sumo Pushup
4. Lunge Lift
5. Chatarunga
6. Hip Thrust (alternating)
7. Spiderman Plank (or Pushup)
8. Goddess Reach
9. Plank Crunch
10. Seep Squat to Chair
11. Plank Walkout
12. Forward Fold Leg Lift
13. Knee Drop Plank
14. Shoulder Tap Reach
15. Alternating Bridge Press


  1. I love your cat! I don't know how you didn't pat it :) Loved the workout as well thankyou Melissa! Lulu

  2. Thank you for the great workouts! The kitty is adorable. Tell your camera guy to put a little more coverage on kitty, too, next time :-)

  3. I loved this work out! The whole body felt challenged.

  4. Thank you so much for what you are doing. This is my first 30 day challenge and I love it!
    Hugs from Germany

  5. Another challenging but great workout. I love that I'm doing the program following you. I feel like I have my own personal trainer. Thanks again Melissa.
