Hi Everyone!
Today's workout will a full body, fat burning workout. I was dripping sweat like crazy today! As always, be sure to warm-up and cool down before and after the workout.
This workout begins with a 5 minute Jump Rope Cardio Blast. Personally, I find jump rope very challenging. It's easier for me to run hard for 5 minutes, than it is to jump rope. It's important to challenge yourself. Push yourself to go at a challenging pace and get your heart rate up. Pushing your body to work in a variety of ways will make you stronger.
You can repeat this workout up to 3X. The last exercise I did was a Backbend Lift, but I also show an alternate option: Bridge Glute Squeeze. Only do the back bend if you are physically ready for it. Also, take your time getting up after this exercise, and march in place or do a cool-down between rounds to allow your blood pressure to adjust.
Some people are prone to dizziness after quick positional changes. Always listen to your body and adjust accordingly. Marching in place, or doing cool down exercises can help your heart rate return to normal.
I did one round of this workout, and followed it up with a 4.5 mile run outside with Jesse.
It has been a crazy week of work (third week in a row with overtime). Eating and making healthy food choices is harder for me when I am tired. My body looks for outside energy sources and craves higher calorie food options. Overall I was feeling "blah" and bloated going into this workout, but after doing it I felt so much better. Sometimes, when you least feel like working out is when your body most needs it.
I will be posting an Overnight Oats recipe for a quick breakfast or snack option, so be sure to check back. I am also getting everything together for a strong start to the New Year. That means a brand new challenge, plus some other exciting events! :)
Have a great day!
Fit Fashion: My one shoulder sports bra is from Affitnity.com, and you can get 15% off your entire order with the code BenderFitness at checkout.

Click the link to get your own Gymboss Interval Timer!
1. Jump Rope
2. High Knees Jump Rope
3. Skier Jump Rope
4. Jumping Jacks Jump Rope
5. Singe Leg Jump Rope (alternating)
6. Speed Skater Hop
7. Warrior Lift (right)
8. Warrior Lift (left)
9. Table Kick (right)
10. Table Kick (left)
11. Mountain Climber
12. Side Plank Heel Tap (right)
13. Side Plank Heel Tap (left)
14. Leg/Hip Lift
15. Backbend Lift or Bridge Glute Squeeze
Repeat 1-3X
***Be sure to cool down after the workout!***
Jump Rope |
High Knees Jump Rope |
Skier Jump Rope |
Jumping Jack Jump Rope |
Single Leg Jump Rope (alternating) |
Speed Skater Hop Part 1 (Alternating) |
Speed Skater Hop (Part 2) |
Warrior Lift |
Table Kick Instagram Tutorial Here: Table Kick |
Mountain Climber |
Side Plank Heel Tap Instagram Video Tutorial Here: Side Plank Heel Tap |
Leg/Hip Lift: Part 1 |
Leg/Hip Lift: Part 2 |
Glute Squeeze Bridge |
Backbend |
will do it tomorrow !
ReplyDeleteI really loved the jump roping! It was awesome! Ty for all you do!!