Hi Everyone!
Cydney is back, and she stuck it out for a super tough workout! She is doing an amazing job, and her fitness level has been increasing by leaps and bounds.
I kept this video full length so everyone can see how challenging this workout was for both of us. The pulsing lunge jumps were really tough for me. Going straight into them after jump squats added an extra challenge to an already tough workout move.
In addition to this workout I work up early and ran two miles before I went to work. I also did some walking and reading on the treadmill as a cool down after the workout.
I am looking forward to tonight's workout. I am feeling energized and ready to go! Also, tomorrow is my birthday so I am going to have to come up with something fun for a birthday workout.
I tried out a recipe for super low calorie healthy chocolate muffins, and it turned out pretty delicious so I will share that with you this evening. I sent Cydney home with some of the muffins so she wouldn't hate me for putting her through such a kick-butt workout. :) Luckily she felt great afterwards (but she still took some muffins.)
Have a great day!
Exercises 1-5 and 11-15 are timed. Go for the maximum number of reps that you can in each 50 second interval. Exercises 6-10 are repetitions. Cyd did the intermediate level reps, and I did the advanced.
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps
(max reps during each interval)
1. High Knees
2. Jump Squat
3. Lunge Pulse Jump (right)
4. Lunge Pulse Jump (left)
5. Crab Touch
6. Side Plank Leg Lift (right)
7. Side Plank Leg Lift (left)
8. Leg Extensions on Forearms (right)
9. Leg Extensions on Forearms (left)
10. Windmill Abs
(max reps/interval)
11. Racer Warrior (right)
12. Racer Warrior (left)
13. Bicycle
14. Pistol Lunge (right)
15. Pistol Lunge (left)

Free workouts: HIIT, yoga, fitness, strength training, running, and healthy diet tips. This blog is meant to inspire others to improve their quality of life by making healthy decisions each day. I am an Occupational Therapist, Certified Yoga Instructor & Runner. I enjoy all aspects of fitness and don't believe in stagnation. These workouts are designed to include variety & keep you challenged. Get in the best shape of your life at home without ever getting bored!
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