Hi Everyone!
I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving! I don't know if it's an after effect of yesterday, or if this was a really tough workout, but this one was HARD for me! My thighs were burning like crazy!
I am going to be posting workouts all weekend, so be sure to check back tomorrow for a new one. :) I am also starting a month long exercise challenge for December. It's a commitment to getting in a minimum of 15 minutes of exercise per day. During the holidays it can be hard to stick to your workouts, but it's important to make time for your health all year long. Research has shown that most people put on weight over the holidays. Unfortunately the majority of people don't lose that weight, and it starts to accumulate each year, which can result in an unhealthy proportion of body fat. If you're up to the challenge let me know in the comments below, on facebook, or on twitter.
Enjoy today's workout and get ready to Burpee!
PS I started this workout with a 1 mile run (7 minutes, 15 seconds) and finished it with another mile to cool down (8 minutes). You can substitute jump roping, walking, or cardio of your choice, or repeat the workout. :)
Beginner: 10 reps, 2 Burpees
Intermediate: 15 reps, 3 Burpees
Advanced: 20 reps, 5 Burpees
*Cardio Warm Up
1. Frogger
2. Jump Squat
3. Mountain Climber
4. Lunge Jump
5. Russian Kick
6. Surfer
7. Push-up Jack
8. Ninja Jump
9. Pendulum Hop
10. Low Jacks
*Cardio Cool Down

Free workouts: HIIT, yoga, fitness, strength training, running, and healthy diet tips. This blog is meant to inspire others to improve their quality of life by making healthy decisions each day. I am an Occupational Therapist, Certified Yoga Instructor & Runner. I enjoy all aspects of fitness and don't believe in stagnation. These workouts are designed to include variety & keep you challenged. Get in the best shape of your life at home without ever getting bored!
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This one was sick! Did this in advanced level. Now I'm sweating so much, my arms hurts and I'm feeling amazing after this workout. Thank you really much, Melissa. :)