Sunday, May 20, 2012

Get Fit, Tight, Toned At Home Workout

Hi Everyone,

This was my workout yesterday. I only ended up going through it once, instead of twice like I planned. I had more upload issues with this video so that stole my additional workout time! I did get in my run. I did 30 minutes of cardio at a comfortable pace. That was about 3.65 miles. 

I really liked this workout. I think I may go through it one more time today, and also create a new workout of the day. 

Jesse and I have a graduation party at the school today, and we walk at graduation tomorrow! It's been a busy weekend already!

See you later today with another workout. Hopefully the next one has a more timely upload! Also, I will be sharing a delicious baked eggplant recipe that I made last night so be sure to check back!


Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps

1. Burpee
2. Runners Lift (right)
3. Runners Lift (left)
4. Hydrant Extension (right)
5. Hydrant Extension (left)
6. Plank Elbow Reach (with or without stability ball)
7. Heel Tap Abs
8. Plank Elbow Reach
9. Bridge Pulse
10. Chatarunga Updog Pushup

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