Sunday, April 22, 2012

Femme Fatale Workout

Hi Everyone,

If you've ever wondered what craziness I am up to on a Saturday night, this is it. ;) I did this workout late last night. I will be doing another one this evening. This was a really good workout for strengthening, and shaping your whole body. 

I was in a bit of a time crunch so I didn't get to do as much jump roping as I wanted to, but I wasn't going to let that stop me from at least getting some in. 

Enjoy the workout, and look for another one later this evening. 


Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced 20 reps

*Unless otherwise noted

Warm-up: 2-10 minutes jump rope

1. Lunge Kick (right)
2. Lunge Kick (left)
3. Bottoms Up Squat
4. Side Leg Lift (right)
5. Side Leg Lift (left)
6. Spiderman Pushup
7. Side Touch Crunch (in the video I counted each side as one, but it's actually right and left=1 rep. If you are counting each side as 1 double the number of reps)
8. Frogger
9. Oblique V-up (right) (I did 30 on each side)
10. Oblique V-up (left)

Cardio: 2-10 minutes jump rope

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