Hi Everyone!
It was gorgeous outside yesterday so we headed up to the State Park near us and took our workout outside. I love sunshine. Jesse and I followed the workout with a run. I did about 3.5 miles at an easy pace. Jesse did about 4 miles and did a fartlek run, incorporating sprints into his workout.
This is a full body, fat burning workout. I incorporated sprints at the beginning and end of the workout. Other options include jump roping, or 30-60 seconds of high knees.
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps
*Team Bender's weekend challenge: add 5 reps to each exercise.
Start: Sprint
1. Walking Lunge
2. Lateral Squat Jump
3. Squat Walk
4. Sumo Pushup
5. Lunge Jump Kick
6. Knee Drop Plank
7. Side Plank Twist (right)
8. Side Plank Twist (left)
9. Surfer
10. Plank Press
Finish: Sprint
Repeat: 1-3X

Free workouts: HIIT, yoga, fitness, strength training, running, and healthy diet tips. This blog is meant to inspire others to improve their quality of life by making healthy decisions each day. I am an Occupational Therapist, Certified Yoga Instructor & Runner. I enjoy all aspects of fitness and don't believe in stagnation. These workouts are designed to include variety & keep you challenged. Get in the best shape of your life at home without ever getting bored!
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Do you have anything for the waist fat or to define my curves ?