Hi Everyone!
One round of this workout only takes 10 minutes, but it will get you sweaty fast! Of course you can repeat the workout from 1-3 times.
I used a 20 lb dumbbell for the weighted exercises. When selecting a weight make sure it is challenging for you. If you start to lose proper form decrease the weight. Form is always number one.
Enjoy today's workout! I also posted a weekly workout schedule for those of you who prefer to follow a plan. You can find that here: Weekly Home Workout Schedule.

Click the link to get your own Gymboss Interval Timer!
Set your Interval Timer for 15 rounds of 10/50.
*This can be modified based on your fitness level. Start out with 20 seconds of max reps and build from there. All exercises can be done with body weight only. Add dumbbells as you progress.
1. Mountain Climbers
2. Crunch and Tap (with dumbbell)
3. Plie Jump
4. Curtsy Lunge (with dumbbell)
5. High Knees
6. Lunge Jump (with dumbbell)
7. Burpee
8. Plank Row (with dumbbell)
9. Heel Tap Abs
10. Extended Hip Lift (with dumbbell)
Repeat 1-3X
Sometimes the video stops working half way through and the grey line doesn't go all the way to the end...