Saturday, March 21, 2015

Intense Cardio VO2 Max Workout

Hi Everyone!

I am incorporating running back into my workouts. I have been skipping out on my cardio lately. As the weather is starting to warm up I am finding that my desire to run has been re-kindled. Sometimes you need a little break from something to remind yourself how much you enjoy it! I did a 4.15 mile run outside, but I wanted to share this throwback workout option. I filmed this one last summer.

You can take this workout to the track (or treadmill). This is a very challenging cardiovascular workout, that will burn fat, strengthen your core, and improve your speed. This workout will help you improve your body's ability to work at a higher level of effort and improve your V02 Max. 

Many people ask Jesse and I how to become a faster runner. To improve your speed you have to get your body used to working at an effort/pace that is faster than what you are currently doing. If you run at a comfortable pace every time you run, you will be great at running that pace. You have to push outside of your comfort zone if you want to improve your speed. 

Additionally this workout will help you burn fat, and improve your overall fitness level.

Make sure you do a warm-up before completing this workout, and finish with a cool-down. I did a warm-up jog (2 laps around the track, which equals 800 meters), and 1 mile cool down at an easy pace. 

I hope you enjoy this one! It's tough, but a great challenge! 

Click the link to get your own Gymboss Interval Timer!

Start with a Warm-Up

-High Knees (1 Minute)
Jump Rope (or invisible jump rope) (2 Minutes)
-Run (3 Minutes-Harder than race pace)
-Burpees (2 Minutes)
-Mountain Climbers (1 Minute)
-Run (3 Minutes: Harder than race pace)
-Jump Rope (2 Minutes)
-High Knees (1 Minute)
-Run (3 Minutes: Harder than race pace)

Finish with a Cool Down

Alternate Workout Burst for those who do not run:

All Levels: Max Reps during each 50 second interval, 10 seconds of rest between exercises. Followed by 1 mile run, or 5-10 minutes of cardio of choice. 

1. Frog Hopper
2. Curtsy Lunge Twist (right)
3. Bicycle Abs
4. Curtsy Lunge Twist (left)
5. Jumping Jack Pushup

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